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Beach Day

Language Arts Lesson
for Beach Day

The students will place words into categories and write sentences about the beach.




  1. Read the chosen book to get the students to start thinking about the beach.  

  2. Discuss the 5 senses.  Relate the senses to sights, sounds, textures, smells, and tastes one would experience at the beach.

  3. Divide the chart paper or blackboard into 5 columns.  List one of the senses at the top of each column.  Have the students brainstorm words to put in each column.

  4. Pass out the Beach Senses Worksheet and have the students complete the sentences with words of their choice.  They may included illustrations for each sentence as well.  If desired, instead of the worksheet, have each student compile a 5 page book with one sentence per page.


Other Lesson Ideas

  1. Have a phonics lesson on the ch sound.

  2. Have the students write about a day they would spend at the beach.

  3. Have the students write directions for building a sand castle.



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