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Cream Day |

Science Lesson
for Ice Cream Day
The students will follow a recipe to
make homemade ice cream in a bag. They will also
identify the different states of the cream in the forms
of liquid and solid.
the students they will be making their own homemade
ice cream. In order to do this, they will need
to follow a recipe.
the recipe (ingredients only) on the chalkboard or
chart paper. Pass out the I
Made Ice Cream Worksheet and have the students
copy the ingredients.
the first step on the chalkboard or chart paper and
have the students complete the step. Discuss
each ingredient as it's added and whether it is a
solid or liquid. Also, when adding the salt to
the ice, have a discussion on what salt does to ice
(makes it melt faster.) Continue writing the
steps on the board and having the students follow
the students have completed making their ice cream,
they may eat it. To finish the I Made Ice Cream
Worksheet, have the students write the steps in their
own words, or copy them from the board.
Lesson Ideas
out two similar amounts of ice cream. Place one
amount on a plastic tray and the other amount on a
metal tray (or cookie sheet.) Place the trays in
similar places in the sun. Have the students
observe which amount melts first. Why is this?
a lesson on cows and the milk they provide.
