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Studies Lesson
for Hat Day
students will learn about different professions based on
- Pictures
of different hats
worn by different professions (or the actual hats
- Chart Paper or Blackboard
- Paper
- Writing Utensils
- Incite a discussion on
different professions and the hats they wear.
Show the pictures
of hats, or actual hats, to help spark discussion.
- Brainstorm with the class
other professions and the hats they wear. Write
them on the chart paper or blackboard.
- Pass out paper and
have the students write which one of the hats they
would like to wear when they grow up and have as their
profession. For example, "When I grow up, I
want to wear a ______________ hat and be a
________________..." Younger students
may draw a picture of themselves in a particular hat
and write the name of the profession to the best of
their ability.
- If time allows, have the
students share their papers with the rest of the
Lesson Ideas
- Read Abe Lincoln's
Hat by Martha Brenner. Have a lesson on
Abraham Lincoln and his presidency.
- Make a timeline of
historical figures associated with certain hats.
For example, Abraham Lincoln (stovepipe hat), George
Washington (three-corner hat), Neil Armstrong (space
helmet), etc.
- Brainstorm hats and the
time people wear those hats to celebrate special
occasions. For example, wedding veils,
graduation hats, party hats, etc.
- Learn about the types of
hats people wore in colonial times. Use the
following link for help Colonial
- Have a lesson on Mexico
and do the Mexican Hat Dance. Use the following
links; Fun
Family Activities, and InfoPlease
Atlas: Mexico.