Try these Theme Days in your classroom:
Tooth Day 
The following
50 themes are available for only
$19.95 for an *individual yearly subscription -
that's less than .50˘/theme! Subscribe by
clicking here. *For
information on school building and district licenses
Click Here.
To read
more about these themes
Click Here:
Apple Day
Bat Day
Beach Day
Bubble Day
Butterfly Day
Chameleon Day
Chocolate Day
Cloud Day
Cookie Day
Dolphin Day
Earth Day
Egg Day
Flag Day
Flower Day
Frog Day
Gingerbread Day
Hat Day
Heart Day
Ice Cream Day
Kite Day
Ladybug Day
Lamb Day
Leaf Day
Lion Day
Mail Day
Mitten Day
Monkey Day
Moon Day
Pancake Day
Penguin Day
Picnic Day
Pig Day
Pizza Day
Polar Bear Day
Popcorn Day
Potato Day
Pumpkin Day
Rain Day
Rainbow Day
Rock Day
Scarecrow Day
Snow Day
Spider Day
Star Day
Sun Day
Train Day
Turkey Day

to ThemeDay!! Everything you need for a day-long
thematic unit is at your fingertips!
- Detailed lesson plans for
all subject areas, printable worksheets, links to
related sites, and literature suggestions are included
with every Theme Day. Preview one of the
Free Themes to the left.
- For each subject there is
one main lesson, plus other options from which to
choose. Suggestions are made for modifying the
lessons to meet the needs of different grade levels.
- This site is designed for
Kindergarten - 2nd grade teachers. However, the
lessons may easily be modified for Preschool and
upper elementary students. Just click on the
theme you are interested in to access an entire day's lessons.
- It's a great way to have a
one day mini-unit, or insert a Theme Day as part of a
longer unit.
- Find the perfect day to
leave for substitute teachers!
to ThemeDay for $19.95/year. Simply click
here to pay by credit card (via our secure site),
check, or money order. You will then be issued a
login name and password for access to all of the themes!
Discounts Available for School Buildings and
Here for Details)
