The students will measure and compare
two different lengths.
the information about Bottle-Nose Dolphins and Killer
Whales. Point out that Killer Whales are a
member of the dolphin family and can be 30 feet long
or more. Bottle-Nose Dolphins are another type
of dolphin which grow to be 12 feet long at the most.
out the rulers or pieces of paper. Have the
students work together to lay the items end to end to
create a 30 foot long line and a 12 foot long
line. Have these lines begin at the same point
so the students can easily compare the 2 lines.
as a class to answer the questions on the Dolphin
Measurement Worksheet. For questions number
4 and 5, have some students lay down next to the lines
to see about how many children it takes to equal 12
feet and how many to equal 30 feet.
Lesson Ideas
to the Frog Day Math
Lesson, have the students jump along a number line
(just as dolphins leap through the water) to
solve math problems.
the students write and solve story problems which
involve numbers of dolphins in a pod. A pod is a
group of dolphins.