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Snow Day

Language Arts Lesson
for Snow Day

The students will write about their adventures on a snowy day.


  • Two or three books about adventures on snowy days.  Some examples would be The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats or The Snowman by Raymond Briggs. 

  • Paper and writing utensils



  1. Read the chosen books to the class.  Have a discussion on the differences between the stories as well as how they were alike.

  2. Have the students write their own stories (fiction or nonfiction) about their adventures on a snowy day.

  3. If time permits, have the students share their writing with the rest of the class.


Other Lesson Ideas

  1. Have the students write directions for making a creation in the snow, such as a snowball, snowman, snow angel, etc.  

  2. Have a lesson on metaphors, using "blanket of snow" as a starting point.

  3. Conduct a lesson on compound words, using snowball and snowman as a starting point.  Give each child a white circle made of paper (a snowball)  with half of a compound word written on it.  They will then need to find the classmate who has the other half of the compound word written on their "snowball".



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