The Cajun
Gingerbread Boy by Berthe Amoss.
This version is set in southwest Louisiana and has a
great Cajun flare.
Baby by Jan Brett.
A twist on the familiar tale of the Gingerbread Boy,
done in classic Jan Brett style.
The Gingerbread
Boy by Paul Galdone.
The traditional story with great illustrations.
The Gingerbread
Boy by Richard Egielski.
This tale is set in the city for a different
twist. The pictures are wonderful!
The Gingerbread
Boy by Scott Cook.
Great illustrations.
The Gingerbread
Man by Jim Aylesworth.
This version even contains a recipe.
Gingerbread Man : An Old English Folktale (North-South
Paperback) by John A. Rowe.
Another good version.
The Gingerbread
Man by Eric A. Kimmel.
Another good retelling which removes some of the
harshness of the traditional telling by stating
"For gingerbread men return, it's said, / When
someone bakes some gingerbread."
The Gingerbread
Rabbit by Randall Jarrell.
This cookie is a rabbit instead of a man and ends up
being alive and well.